I'm starting close to home.
Both of my sons attend public school in Alabama. I call them my "book-ends" because there's close to an eight year age difference.
Having said that, my oldest will be a high school sophomore this year and my youngest is entering the second grade.
It's the latter that brings me to this post.
Many of you have probably heard about the much acclaimed self-help book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by author Stephen Covey.
Every chapter in the book discusses one of the habits. In short, those are:
1. Be Proactive
2. Begin with the End in Mind
3. Put First Things First
4. Think Win-Win
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the Saw
If you've talked to anyone who has read the book (or read it yourself) and put its recommendations into practice, you will find that it's been a game changer in a multitude of environments.
Being that I have school-aged children and another first day of school is fast approaching, I have been periodically checking our school websites for updates.
While checking last week, it caught my eye that my son's primary school (1st and 2nd grade) announced that it is now going to be a "Leader in Me" school.
Exactly what is a Leader in Me school?
I wanted to find out too, so I clicked on The Leader in Me website to find out more.
I found out that it is a "whole-school transformation model and process developed in partnership with educators that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century."
It uses content from Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and makes it the key component in The Leader in Me transformation process for students and schools.
I immediately thought...Game.Changer!
What I really loved is that The Leader in Me takes the 7 Habits and makes them "kid friendly".
Take a look:
I have also heard from a few of the teachers at my son's school and they are sharing in the excitement as well. One teacher had this to say:
"I am SO excited for PPS to be a Leader In Me school! In 19 years of teaching, I’ve seen so many trends come and go that it takes something pretty special to impress me and make me buy into it. I bought into this philosophy after 1 thirty-minute meeting about it. Everyone on the planet should know and live by the 7 habits. I feel like this will change our entire school culture, which is already great, and hopefully carry over into our students’ homes and families. It’s going to take time to instill this in our students (and ourselves) but if we do it correctly, it will be life-changing."
Let me also add that our school has wasted no time in cosmetically updating the hallways as part of the transformation process.
On a recent trip to the school, my youngest and I got to have an up close and personal look...
My little model was happy to point out the new update to this wall |
Each one of the 7 Habits is shown on an individual mirror |
A teacher recently pointed this out to me regarding the mirrors...💕
"Just like the mirrors, leaders, and children come in different shapes and size so hopefully everyone will and can be able to see themselves in at least one mirror."